Plus Size Fashion

Summer Shirt

After having some crazy festival outfits, I will go back to basics this time. During summer it´s not always that easy to dress properly, because all you want to wear are combinations of shorts and tank tops – but most times a bit more is necessary… 🙂

A simple t-shirt is a great choice, but when it needs to be a bit more dressed up just choose a summer-ish shirt!

Maxfort oversize italien Plus Size Fashion Shirt

There are many wild hawaiian print shirt on the market – I will show you some of those at the end of the month – this time a wanted to create an airy summer outfit with a more dapper shirt. White but with some floral prints. It´s easy to wear, not too warm and you can choose how deep you will open the buttons. 🙂

Maxfort oversize italien Plus Size Fashion Shirt

As the shirt is more dapper, jersey shorts will totally do it… no need to wear warm jeans bermudas or chinos. Choose shoes that match the color of the shirt, put on sunglasses and off you go!

Maxfort oversize italien Plus Size Fashion Shirt

Accept your Extra-Inches – love yourself!



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