| Advertisement | Did you know that Kois are lucky charms? If this is really true you should go and play some lottery or ask your secret sweet heart for a date when you wear this shirt! If you…
Monthly Archives
July 2019
| Advertisement | Twinkle, twinkle little star – how I wonder who you are! Up above the world so high – like a diamond in the sky! This little song kind of suits thats shirt perfectly, even if I…
| Advertisement | I wanted to be reasonable… and not order a floral print shirt again, cause my wardrobe is stuffed with them. But hey – I LOVE THEM so there can never be enough of them! This shirt…
| Advertisement | A down to earth outfit without screaming colors und wild prints? Yes I can do that as well! To be honest a huge part of my wardrobe is more quiet than you might think! Since I…